I was born in France, where I completed an Engineering Degree (Applied Mathematics track) at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris. I was originally trained as a Physicist in the French Classes Préparatoires at Lycee Louis-le-Grand and at the start of my Engineering studies. Then, thanks to the broad scientific training I got at Ecole Polytechnique, I became interested in Data Science and Machine Learning, and decided to write my master thesis on Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks during a research internship at the NYU’s Center for Data Science, under the supervision of Prof. Joan Bruna. I enjoyed a lot this first research experience, at the intersection between computer science and mathematics, and therefore decided to start a doctoral program at the University of Oxford in Statistics and Machine Learning. There, I entered the 2018 Oxford student cohort of the Oxford-Warwick Center for Doctoral Training in Statistical Science, a 4-year Ph.D program with an initial training year of rotation projects. Willing to investigate both mathematical statistics and machine / deep learning research problems, I started my PhD in 2019 both on Bayesian nonparametrics and on graphs, under the supervision of Prof. Judith Rousseau, Prof. Vincent Rivoirard (Université PSL-Paris Dauphine), Prof. Mihai Cucuringu and Prof. Xiaowen Dong (Department of Engineering Sciences).

Part of my enjoyment of research comes from the fact that I like to collaborate with different people from academia and industry around the world. During my PhD, I did an internship in the Machine Learning research team at Amazon Web Services in Berlin, under the supervision of Dr. Michele Donini, and worked on time series forecasting and explainability methods for anomaly detection models. I was also a visiting graduate student in the Department of Statistics at the University of Chicago in Fall 2022, where I worked with Prof. Chao Gao on graph synchronisation. I recently visited the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology to start a collaboration with Prof. Makoto Yamada on Statistical Optimal Transport.

Since 2023, I live in the beautiful city of Barcelona where I joined the Statistics group at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona School of Economics. My research projects include network archaeology problems, with Prof. Gabor Lugosi, and Bayesian network analysis, with Prof. David Rossell.